Monday 25 April 2011

Tweet And Sour Source

So why do we (or rather I) spend time Tweeting. What’s it all about? What have I gained from it to either support what I do at work, or to make me a better person.

There are loads of sites telling you what to do or not do. Even The Dummies Guide (most of its links are already out of date) offers support guidance and lots of do’s and don’ts. This is not meant to be about what is good or bad.

Traditionally a cop would give you the definitive list of things to do and things not to do. In essence what we like and approve of, and what we don’t.

Instead here is my list of things that I Like about Twitter (TILAT), and Things I Don’t (TIDAT)

In no order of priority , “worseness” or “bestness”.

·         That I can reconnect with good people I haven’t seen for ages yet have a connection with. Malik the Cameraman, for example, the epitome of professionalism, yet a real human and GSOH as they say elsewhere. TILAT

·         I can influence issues publicly like getting  Cranstons to stock Mr Vikkis Hot Apricot, not a big thing, but my voice and view counts. TILAT

·         I love the creativity especially in my work world. GMP tweet Day, WMP looking at the courts and of course my favourite Tweet-a-long (TAL) CstMandy from VPD. All good stuff pushing the boundaries out, stretching the envelope. TILAT

·         I can get info about what is going on instantly. Twitter remains about 30 minutes ahead of most news stories. TILAT

·         I dislike politicians who use it to “pronounce” yet won’t get involved with challenges or, give any response at all. I firmly believe it’s a participatory activity. This is not a party thing BTW. TILAT

·         It hasn’t taken long to find an innocent sounding name is a front for porn. Sadly all technology fires something in that direction. TIDAT

·         I like the fact I can advertise things that concern me or impact on my life, whether policing or otherwise. I can start a debate and get some responses fairly soon. TILAT

·         I like the fact that people can enter into a relatively respectful debate and can see differing viewpoints. TILAT

·         It is relatively easy to find people and to join them in some debate. Likewise I enjoy the opportunity to connect with strangers who have a common link. TILAT

·         It can take a long time to get responses and Twitter is very much a here and now life. So if you miss a few days you could miss a lot. TIDAT

·         It provides a mixture of work rest play family, friend  interests and just about anything. A real cocktail TILAT

So for the future

1.      I think we will see more innovative ideas coming from Law Enforcement
2.      I think those pontificating or merely espousing a view without responding to challenge will lose out
3.      I think that it will become a much more impactive and interactive tool for cops particularly to understand what people really want from us
4.      Finally I think it will help to create a more level field within policing.

All your comments and suggestions most welcome

1 comment:

  1. Stuart,

    This blog post could not have come at a better time. I totally agree with your comments. I am sure you will support the Warwickshire Police Twitter Project #WPTP which I started in preparation for 9 May 2011. has some brilliant support from the WM Police, but over the fence in Warwickshire police voices are silent on twitter. For a county with 535,100 in it - that is a screeching silence. I am giving myself this challenge as I know, like you, fast if not instant is the future.

    Regards, Mike Downes @wiKenilworth

    ps my site uses blogger, if you need tips on formatting, I can help, i.e. see


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