Sunday 13 March 2011

Intro Blog

Well here goes for Blog number 1
Before I started this I asked for some guidance and advice from others to see what should be in and what should be out. This was a little lesson in the use of social media. Ask, listen respond. Mostly its abl=out just doing it
So here are some of the things people said.

1. Blog about the things that you are linked with including HTCC and Polcyb
2. Be genuine, be yourself, blog about what interests you. Readers come, readers go. Dont try to please people.
3. Avoid corporate-speak & please warn if there are to be more swimming photos.
4. Mundane political correctness and obvious material already out there; 2.
5. Keep a balanced free speaking view

So I am going to try to keep to these guidelines and see how it goes

So I will get the first main blog out soon

Thanks and if you can add to my list please do so.

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