Sunday 15 May 2016

Helping CERT-CISP in Yorkshire Humberside

Following last week’s launch of The Cyber Security Breaches Survey which found that one in four large firms are experiencing a cyber breach at least once a month, only half of all firms have taken any recommended actions to identify and address vulnerabilities. 

Less than a third of all firms, had any formal written cyber security policies and only 10% had an incident management plan in place.
This demonstrates that companies are not ready for cyber-attacks and are not taking the most basic precautions, technically and through education or training.
I am pleased to be supporting aql’s commitment to working with businesses in the Yorkshire and Humberside Region we are helping all companies to improve their own protection by supporting the Regional Cyber-security Information Sharing Partnership (CiSP)

In order to help promote the CiSP aql have commissioned me to undertake work on behalf of the CiSP to improve membership and build activity across the region

aql’s CEO Dr Adam Beaumont, who is the designated business champion for CiSP in the Region said “Leeds is the second financial centre in the UK and a global centre for eHealth and we are dependent on London for connectivity, and connectivity is the lifeblood of a business these days.” 

“Whilst we help provide connectivity and substantial storage for many parties both public and private we want to ensure that companies in this region protect themselves and make the internet a safe place to operate and do business. That’s why I want to see the CiSP succeed. By supporting the joint efforts of businesses across the region we are helping build growth and make our community safer.
A valuable part of that effort is to support the CiSP itself, I am pleased to announce that I have engaged Stuart Hyde QPM to act on behalf of Yorkshire and Humberside businesses to help develop the CiSP”

I am very honoured to be asked by aql, an exceptional example of growth within the Region, to help drive the CiSP in Yorkshire and Humberside. CiSP is a key national strategy to make the UK a safer place online, and it should be capable of helping businesses to protect themselves.

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